Warm Pear Compote

Warm Pear Compote

(From the How Not To Die Cookbook)

This compote is a savory dessert or snack as well as an incredible topping for oatmeal, French toast, or pancakes. (Makes 4 ½ cup servings)


  • 2 tablespoons date sugar
  • 2 teaspoons blended peeled lemon
  • 2 tablespoons raisins
  • A 2 to 3 inch piece of vanilla bean, split and scraped (or 1sp vanilla extract)
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • ¼ teaspoon ground ginger
  • ¼ teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1-inch piece of fresh turmeric, grated (or1/8 teaspoon ground)
  • 4 to 5 ripe Bartlett pears, cored and cut into bite-sized pieces.


  1. In a saucepan,  combine ½ cup of water with all of the ingredients, except the pears, and stir.
  2. Once blended, add the pear pieces and simmer over low heat until the pears are tender and the sauce has reduced, 15 to 20 minutes. Serve warm.

Variation: Use chopped apples, peaches or plums instead of pears.