Is Dr. McDougall Still Ahead of His Time?

Is Dr. McDougall Still Ahead of His Time?

Today, at the start of his bi-weekly webinar, Dr. John McDougall shared a story about a recent encounter he had with long-time television and radio host Larry King.  Dr. McDougall was attending a trade show when he ran into King and King exclaimed “I know you, you’re that Hawaiian Doctor that has been on my show.  You were ahead of your time!”   Dr. McDougall responded like only Dr. McDougall can.  He forcefully asked King why he has had people like Dr. Andrew Weil and Dr. Robert Atkins on his show representing themselves as nutrition experts.   He also mentioned that he’d like to be invited on King’s current show.  I hope King takes him up on it.

Is Dr. McDougall No Longer Ahead of His Time?

With great excitement, Dr. McDougall then shared two recent developments that he feels are evidence that his dietary recommendations are no longer ahead of their time.

  1. Canada’s 2019 Dietary Guidelines

These guidelines strongly promote plant-based whole foods and deemphasize the consumption of meat, fish, poultry and dairy. They even recommend water as the superior beverage rather than milk!

  1. Lancet’s Planetary Health Dietary Guidelines

This Vox article shares the scientific rationale for consuming a very plant-strong diet for human and planetary health.  The article also includes pushback from a variety of sources.

It is no surprise that there is pushback, because for most western countries, the Lancet recommendations are radical.  And, of course, if most of the world’s population adopts the recommendations, it would result in a drastic shrinking of various animal food industries.

My Thoughts

These guidelines are very close to the diet that Dr. McDougall has been recommending for over 40 years. Victor Hugo once wrote: “Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come”.  If the whole food plant-based (WFPB) diet’s time has come, we should soon see a powerful change in eating habits in the western world.  Once that happens, then Dr. McDougall can rightfully say that he is no longer ahead of his time.

Stay Healthy and Strong!


  1. JoAnn M Lakes says

    ‘ If the whole food plant-based (WFPB) diet’s time has come, we should soon see a powerful change in eating habits in the western world.’ I certainly hope so. I have to say that I have been surprised lately by the number of people inquiring about the diet. I just think people are getting tired of being ‘sick and tired’ and are ready to do something about it.

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