This recent NY Times article discusses the latest study comparing a low carb vs. a supposed low-fat diet. It’s just another study that compares two diets that are just slightly better than the abominable Standard American Diet. This study, as in many previous ... READ MORE...
Musings About T. Colin Campbell’s Musings About Science
In his article “Musings About Science”, T. Colin Campbell laments the erosion of scientific ideals among the institutions that manage the basic science that underlies the public’s understanding of food and health. He writes: “With such erosion, it becomes more and more ... READ MORE...
Cardiologists Who Are Getting Serious About Winning the War Against Heart Disease
In his article “What Paleo Gets Right”, vegan cardiologist Joel Kahn MD shares his surprise on how much he agrees with Loren Cordain Ph.D - the author of “The Paleo Diet”. He lists seven of Cordain’s recommendations with which he essentially agrees: Limit cheese, ... READ MORE...
What’s Wrong With Grass-fed/Grass-Finished Meat?
In his article “What About Grass-fed Beef and Dairy?”, John Robbins writes: “We do not yet have studies that tell us what percentage of the health problems associated with eating beef would be reduced or eliminated by the eating of grass-fed beef. I’m sure grass-fed ... READ MORE...
Are Obese Patients Doomed or Trapped?
The latest research on obesity paints a grim picture for people who have struggled with excessive weight their entire lives. This article explains how long term weight loss is much rarer than most people – including health care experts – realize. People who lose weight ... READ MORE...
Do You Really Think Following a WFPB Diet is a Radical Way to Lose Weight?
A common reaction many overweight or obese people have upon learning about a Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) diet is that it is a radical method to lose weight. It seems that the reasons for this reaction are the same reasons that make a WFPB diet effective as ... READ MORE...
Drug Therapy for High Blood Pressure
A two - decades long study of heart disease risk showed that reducing systolic blood pressure below 120 mm Hg (millimeters of mercury) provides no additional benefits for people with high blood pressure. The lead author of the study was Dr. Carlos Rodriguez, ... READ MORE...
Whole Food Plant Based – Five Years and Counting
I’ve been following a Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) diet that has been 100% plant based for just over five years. I stopped eating added oils approximately three years ago. I’ve maintained good health and have had no need to visit a doctor while following a WFPB diet. ... READ MORE...
Engine 2 – Plant Strong Product Line at Whole Foods Market
One of the challenges people have when transitioning to a Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) diet is finding enough time to plan and prepare tasty WFPB meals. Your WFPB diet should be dominated by fruits, veggies, whole grains and legumes (beans, peas and lentils). You ... READ MORE...
Thoughts on Soy
I recently received this question from a fellow WFPB advocate: Do you feel soy milk and tofu are ok to eat on a regular basis (e.g., soy milk - daily, and tofu - 2/3 times per week)? My short answer to this is yes. These are minimally processed soy products that, ... READ MORE...